Why Vote Green?

In the upcoming election for Arizona’s 8th Legislative District, Democrats face a critical decision.

While the Democratic Party has traditionally been the go-to choice for progressive voters, there’s a compelling case to be made for casting your ballot for the Green Party candidate this November. And remember, you get TWO VOTES for State House. In Arizona, we elect TWO State House Representatives from each legislative district.

Tre Rook, a survivor of homelessness, brings a unique perspective to the table. He’s the only Progressive option in the race, and that’s precisely what makes him an intriguing option. Rook’s commitment to defending marginalized communities and oppressed populations aligns with the values of many Democrats who prioritize social justice and human rights.

As a Green Party candidate, Tre Rook is free from the constraints of the two-party system, allowing him to advocate for progressive policies without the baggage of party politics and corporatist Democratic donors. This independence enables him to focus on issues that matter most to Arizona’s 8th District, such as education, homelessness, healthcare, and environmental protection.

Rook’s background as a survivor of homelessness gives him a unique perspective on the importance of investing in housing and job programs. In an era where housing is increasingly politicized, having a representative who understands the value of evidence-based decision-making is crucial.

Moreover, Rook’s commitment to policies which bring about progressive change stands firmly juxtaposed to the views of the Democratic candidate this cycle. While some may argue that voting for a third-party candidate is a “wasted” vote, it’s essential to remember that our democracy thrives on diversity of thought and representation and that Arizona’s 8th Legislative District has a very unique voter makeup. Also, you get TWO votes for State House in Arizona.

As the most populous district in Arizona and a district which votes for Democrats by a 20 point margin, if Rook received just a third of all Democrat votes – he would win the district and send real, progressive change to Arizona.

By supporting Tre Rook, Democrats can send a powerful message that they’re tired of the status quo and are willing to consider alternative candidates who share their values.

Ultimately, the decision to vote for Tre Rook and a Democrat or a two Democratic candidates is a personal one. However, Democrats in Arizona’s 8th District should seriously consider giving one of their two votes to the Green Party option. At best, Rook wins. At worst, both Democrats win and a message is sent to the corporatist establishment.